VSys Web application
Community Application
Please fill out this form to volunteer with us. If you are in high school or an undergrad, please refer to those webpages on how to apply.
Application date
Last Name
Legal First Name
Preferred First Name (for ID)
Middle Name
Preferred E-mail (All communication will be sent here.)
Gender (optional)
Date of Birth (optional)
Preferred Phone
Secondary Phone
General Information
I verify I am not a full time Undergraduate or Graduate student.
Additional languages
Do you have a UNC Health, UNC School of Medicine, UNC School of Nursing, or UNC School of Dentistry ID badge?
Current Occupation
Onboarding requirements are different for UNC Health Employees. Please reach out to Volunteer Services for more details if you are an employee.
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact Name
Relation to Applicant
Service Areas Preferred- Refer to
Volunteer Areas
on Volunteer Services Website. List a specific volunteer area on your application (examples: Patient Guide, Office Aide, Carolina Conexiones, etc.)
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Why did you choose the service areas listed above?
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
Days and Hours Available?
How did you learn about Volunteer Services?
I understand that I will need to obtain a criminal background check from the specified Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) chosen by UNC Health. I authorize UNC Health access to those results as well as use of the last 4 digits of my SSN if the volunteer area requires additional UNC Health technology.
I understand by completing this application that I agree to a minimum of 6
months and 40 hours of volunteer service with UNC Health.
I understand I will need to contact volsvcs@unchealth.unc.edu if I do not receive the automated email reply about my next steps to volunteer in my inbox or spam/junk folder within a day.